Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Hello Friends! Last post I told you all that I may have gotten my dream job.....

Well, I DID! I will be a nurse in the OR! I am so excited. My new job starts the second week of March. Be praying that everything goes smoothly and that I will enjoy it like I think I will. It will also be a 5-days-a-week job, so I will have to be there around 6 every morning, but I will get off around 3pm. That will give me more time with our puppy, Dexter, and time every day to get little things done around the house! I'm going to become such an old person! Haha. 

The hubs still hasn't found out for sure about Dental School for this year, but he is already studying for the DAT (Dental Aptitude Test) again. He is also planning on taking an anatomy course this summer at UAB or Alabama. I am so proud of him working hard to achieve his dream (though it is frustrating right now). We are praying that through this year, God will show us what Joseph is supposed to do as far as school goes. 

There's our update in short, and you will hear from us again soon! 

Only 5 more weeks til my new job! 



Friday, February 3, 2012

Giving in but not giving up.

Since it has been a month since my last post, I thought today would be a good day to start back. These past two weeks have been good and bad at the same time. I got an interview for my dream job, and my hubby started studying to take the Dental Aptitude Test (DAT) for the second time so he will hopefully get into dental school next year (not this year). I still haven't found out for sure about my job, but it looks pretty good. I have found out how hard it is to conceal your joy when your best friend is having a hard time accepting that he has to wait another year to start moving toward his dream, all the while stuck at a job that he doesn't necessarily like. 

It really puts that whole married business in perspective. He is learning to be happy for me as my job moves and flourishes, and I am learning to be considerate of him as he does not feel like he's getting anywhere in life right now. The good thing about that, though, is he has a little more time to hang out with me for another year before the madness of dental school starts. It also gives us another year to be in Birmingham for sure, with all of our friends and my family (his being not too far away in H-ville). 

So even though we do not know what the next year will bring us, we move on both happy for me and frustrated for him at this time. It does bring us closer together each day because we have to support each other and remind each other that whatever happens is meant to happen through God's sovereign timing and will. I have never felt that so strongly as I do now. Never. There is no other reason that Joseph shouldn't have gotten into dental school this year except that it wasn't in God's timing. Why? We may never know. But I'm glad we can rest in HIM for another year and look forward to whatever He will put in our path. 

Here's to living in the NOW and being thankful for what you do have, not for what you want and do not have...
